Monday, April 22, 2024

Killer Bees: the Slideshow

Killer bees a threat?

-Article about killer bees and how they are a threat

-Pictures that show how killer bees are dangerous (maybe, a person dying because of killer bees)

-Secret note found written by killer bees:

-“Hopefully the people in America don’t think that we are a threat. That will make them easier for us to kill. Sincerely, The Killer Bees”

The history of killer bees

Top differences between KILLER BEES and regular bees:

Killer bees gather into swarms more frequently

Killer bees guard their hives more aggressively, with a larger alarm zone around the hive

Killer bees have a higher proportion of "guard" bees within the hive.

Killer bees deploy in greater numbers for defense and pursue perceived threats over much longer distances from the hive.

Killer bees can be found living in ground cavities more often than their European counterparts

Killer bees are more evil than other bees

Killer bees go for the eyes

Killer bees are more likely to attack orphans and the elderly

Unlike regular bees, who are content to live and let live, killer bees want to force their communist bee lifestyle on all of humanity

Perhaps the biggest difference between killer bees and regular bees is the frequency at which killer bees kill: significantly more frequently.

Anatomy of a killer bee

Killer bees affect on America

-Map of projected killer bees spreading

What to do if you are attacked by killer bees

­-The number one thing to realize about killer bees is that you are more afraid of them than they are of you. When attacked by killer bees try some of the following tactics to ensure the highest chance of survival (although honestly it still isn’t very good)

- Don’t make eye contact with the bees and say as little as possible to them. Just give them whatever they ask for as quickly as you can.

- Shield yourself with a nearby person or baby. If you have a fat friend, lie on the ground and pull them on top of you.

- Beg and plead. Try and appeal to their sense of decency.

-If you are wearing stripes, try and convince them that you are a bee, but in disguise to spy on the humans.

My proposal for fighting killer bees


Random facts about killer bees

-After a killer bee stings you its stinger is ripped off of its abdomen and the bee dies shortly thereafter. That is why killer bees don’t sting with their stingers but rather with small bee knives and guns.

-Killer bees tend to migrate north looking for better wages.

-By the year 2012 fifty percent of the nation will speak killer bee.

-Killer bees write beautiful poetry and are skilled painters and sculptors.

-Killer bees will fly inside of your body and sting your heart.

-Killer bees are taking valuable American jobs.